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[LE] Need help making a custom follower


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I am wondering how to create a fully-voiced custom follower in Skyrim SE.

I have his .fbx for his head, and his .fbx for his body which are both already rigged.

I have put him into VRChat, DMC5, and MMD. I really want him to be my Skyrim follower, but I am completely 100% new to modding Bethesda engine games.

If someone could give me a guide to make a completely custom body-head follower, thank you!

Please help me D:
Thank you for your time,

So far my process has been:

In 3DSmax, export seperate head .fbx and body .fbx

in Outfit studio, import head .fbx and export as .nif

In outfit studio, import body .fbx and export as .nif

however.. in creation kit.. idk how to use it.. idk how to do this.

Can someone help me? I want this guy as a follower but i really really dont know what i am doing and i cant find help anywhere. Even the Lucien guide isnt helpful because he doesnt talk about modding with custom models. Please somebody help me

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Hello. Everyone seems to be running away from this question. People have been creating followers for this game from day one.

There must be over 1000 how to make a follower videos. I suggest you do 3 or 4 of them. To get a good feel on how it's done.

Edited by NexusComa2
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Hello. Everyone seems to be running away from this question. People have been creating followers for this game from day one.

There must be over 1000 how to make a follower videos. I subject you do 3 or 4 of them. To get a good feel on how it's done.

Thank you man.. Yeah it sure feels like people are running away from my questions ;-;

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Because there are many different ways to do it and all are kind of complicated. Many don't even really work. Some do more than others. Hard to just answer that from a forums comment. You can always download one you like are really look it over in the kit for ideals on how to make yours too.

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Because there are many different ways to do it and all are kind of complicated. Many don't even really work. Some do more than others. Hard to just answer that from a forums comment. You can always download one you like are really look it over in the kit for ideals on how to make yours too.

Hey, sorry to bother ya. Do you know the fix for my follower only saying hello and not opening his dialogue box?

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