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Instant POV Toggle


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Some of you may be familiar with Graxter's Instant Camera POV switching mod which can be found here. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1661/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D1661


I'm here to tell you that we need a new one. Although I've used the mod in the past with decent results, I've started a new installation of Skyrim recently and this mod doesn't have any affect other than my vanity cam is now inverting (going left when moving mouse right) and the vanity camera also will not work if walking or running, if walking or running it continues to steer the character until the mouse wheel is released which changes the POV. I could deal with this issues just fine if only the mod did what it was supposed to, but right now the camera change is still the default "theatrical" style instead of being instant. I asked Graxter for help, but he says that since this mod was made much earlier before the many patches and updates it is now useless. This is an extreme setback for me as playing with the default camera setting is more than obnoxious. There's no reason to wait 2 seconds for it to zoom in or out. If I need to see what's going on around me or to concentrate on a target, it needs to happen immediately. I desperately hope someone out there agrees and will support this idea.

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In the Skyrim.ini file, you can add to the [Camera] section the following:




As I understand it, this line effects the speed of the camera zoom. Its default is 0.8, so increasing it to something huge will make it seem instant.

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