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things get brighter when using mods to make things darker?


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ok i seem to have an issue where when i'm using mods that should make the game darker the darker the preset or setting the brighter the game gets. now the main two mods that i use that effect lighting are climates of tamriel and realistic lighting overhaul. now this seems like a problem with the eye adaptation but rlo is supposed to make it better by slowing it down not making it really quick. now one thing i did was turn the in game brightness all the way down and that seems to help a little but it's still a little bit of a problem and i didn't used to have this problem. i also use an enb which doesn't seem to change brightness that much, i use project enb, and i was looking on the comments and saw a way to make the nights darker by setting the bloom level to the same as the day so thats what i did and it got brighter!

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