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Mods for Friendly\Co-Existance with Giants?


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I hardly encounter giants in Skyrim, but I kinda have a soft spot for them. I wish there was a way to be friendly with them, perhaps talk with them and learn about them.


It would be nice if there was a mod out there that either lets you interact with giants (or just a select few), or perhaps a quest or two that will pave the way to friendlier giants\co-existance with them (though they wouldn't be able to live inside towns due to their size)


If theres any mods out there that would allow me to interact with giants and perhaps talk, trade, or barter with them would be nice. I feel that giants are misunder stood due to their hulking size and strength, scaring off most and those that can fight will attack them out of fear for their lives and others.


I think if we could come to some sort of understanding, perhaps the giants and people wouldn't be so afraid of coming together, and think about it, we could provide them reasources for living and building their own civilizations, while they could help with our own civilizations (building, farming, protecting, etc). It would be kinda cool if we could learn more about giants from their mouths, perhaps like their culture, their history, their lives in general.


Also it would be kinda cool to have them as a companion for outside (since they wouldn't fit in most caves and forts). I'd love to see the faces on those bandits and thalmor when I bring a giant along :P


Again, if theres any mods for stuff like this, please let me know, as my family of 3 here wouldn't mind the same thing (both dad and my sister have similar feelings for giants).


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Well, I have two mods; one that makes giants (and everything else) possible followers by adding them to the relevant factions, and another mod which allows you to boost your relationship with them. Those two mods, when used together, will allow you to hire the giant as a follower.


But there will have to be a way to make the giants passive. I believe a mod called "Mercy" will allow that to happen.


There is also another mod which changes the bounties, on giants, to be a subdue-ing rather than a killing.

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