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How do I change the # of NPCs in LIAT?


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Since the modder decided to give up and lock the thread immediately after I posted this question, I'm going to relay it here: How do I change the number of NPCs that are in taverns in LIAT (Lively Inns and Taverns) Mod? There are Optional files for "Less Crowded" but it's states that they are outdated and presumably incompatible with the main file as it currently stands and I, again, presume that the optionals being outdated would imply that the function would have been made available in the current main file. The descriptions are annyoingly unclear. I guess I'll just trial and error it.


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I'd also be very interested in knowing how to edit the number of NPC's present if anyone has any information? I currently run a heavily modded Skyrim game and whilst I can easily run LIAT with vanilla settings, once my texture replacers are all loaded I get either CTD's or infinite load screens when entering an Inn. If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated :)

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