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graphics purge for lower end PCs


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... Kind of a stripping down, if possible, of mutch of the weather ... the dust storms and dust devils and other atmospheric fogs, reducing view distance and settling for a basic misty distance haze, ... tweaking the lighting both indoor and outdoor to be more basic and less demanding, turning off shadows, getting rid of unneccesary junk from the world, culling trees and grass ... stuff like that.


Currently to get a good smooth framerate for play i have to use small textures, no shadows, reflections and everything down or off excepting character and object draw distance, ... it would be great for someone to overhaul the graphics like this and maybe more so that i could gain some performance and change the texture size to medium so that what IS there in the world, looks sharper and richer and just better really, but i'm sure many people with lower end PCs or graphics cards could use a mod like this.

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Cirkopath ... that's an interesting mod, i had a look at the link... but i notice aside from the improvements to the textures and distance objects and freeing up of memory for improved performance that he/she wants to bumpmap everything and bumpmapping alone (unless there's an option to 'uncheck' bumpmapping with the mod) would make it unsuitable for my needs and purpose simply because bumpmapping generally requires alot of graphics resources. No harm in trying it out though when it's released i guess but i don't think it's at all what i have in mind.
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