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Pauldrons and Greaves


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If anyone still wants the unfinished mod, here it is. {removed because ze link, ze do not werk}


There are a few bugs however. Leather greaves don't work and the cuirass meshes still have pauldrons attached to them (however, you can put other pauldrons on top of them). And your underwear clips through a few armours. But, pauldrons on robes work quite well.


I want to fix these general problems but I sadly do not have a coder anymore, and I can't code at all and I'm not going to learn how to. GrimyBunyip pretty much just said he had too many other mods and could not continue on this one because it was not popular enough at this condition. Then he just said I have to take over, but I was busy with my studies, that's why I've been gone since July.


Enjoy what's here and Merry Christmas :D

Edited by Mopel
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Hmm...why is it trying to download an .exe file? Sorry but I don't want that.

Also, what exactly do you mean by "coder"? What kind of "code" is it needed for such a mod.


I played a little too with the two mods (pauldrons and graves), replaced the female top parts with original mesh path so they would use the skimpy replacer I have and the result was pretty nice with CBBE...with BBP.

The bottoms were clipping but now since Bodyslide 2 and Outfit Studio is out there this should be a trivial task for someone with a little talent.

Also removing the body meshes from the greaves mod in TesVEdit seems to get rid of the unwanted underwear if you use a naked body...I don't see any unwanted effect but I don't understand why the original author added them in the first place.

I personally don't have talent for this job, my modding interests are different, or the time to add the pauldrons to the leveled lists.

Edited by LukeH
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