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Long Beards Request


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So where are all the long beards at? I would love to see some long beards in game with different lengths and styles. Yes I do mean the Gandalf/Merlin type beards. I know that it is possible to make these as I have seen one on the Valfar mod and some female hair mods have butt length hair.


I love playing as a mage/wizard and would really hope to see some one make some long beards. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would want them!

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  • 7 months later...

I have Beards mod already.

The goal of my request (and I think author's of this one too) is to have at least twice as long beards - ie. as Troll Slayers from WH.

The best solution would be to adjust length in race menu.


Also - I 've just looked trough all beards in Beards mod - don't see the Valfar's one...

I spotted that Aesir armor mod should have it though. I'll check it when I get back from work.

Edited by vizzurith
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Easy solution for me then - Aesir Armor. :) Thx for help, even if this is not exactly response to request itself.

I'm still in work. But now I know, what I'll do when I get back. ;]


Furher more for those, who are looking for long beard -> author of Aesir said, that he will publish standalone mod with additional beards. Looking at his work done for Valfar - it might be worth waiting.

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