famaffe Posted February 6, 2021 Share Posted February 6, 2021 Hello everyone! Ive been playing my newly modded skyrim for about 10 hours now without any issues.But i just visited the Elysium player home and went straight across to the giants camp and when i get close it instantly CTD's. Ive looked in the papyrus logs and the last line always have spriggan.psc in it.For example [02/06/2021 - 10:20:42PM] Error: Actor value "aggression" - attempt made to set illegal value (-1.00)..stack:[ (FF002047)].Actor.SetActorValue() - "<native>" Line ?[None].sprigganCallAnimalsAOE.OnEffectFinish() - "sprigganCallAnimalsAOE.psc" Line 52 AND [ (000CB12D)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?[Active effect 1 on (FF002052)].SprigganFXSCRIPT.OnCombatStateChanged() - "SprigganFXSCRIPT.psc" Line 93 [02/06/2021 - 10:07:14PM] WARNING: (FF002052): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..stack:[ (000CB12D)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?[Active effect 1 on (FF002052)].SprigganFXSCRIPT.OnCombatStateChanged() - "SprigganFXSCRIPT.psc" Line 93 [02/06/2021 - 10:07:14PM] WARNING: (FF002052): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..stack:[ (000CB12D)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?[Active effect 1 on (FF002052)].SprigganFXSCRIPT.OnCombatStateChanged() - "SprigganFXSCRIPT.psc" Line 93 Someone please help me with this?I think its something that we can fix, maybe an issue with immersive creatures since its always a spriggan thats causing the issues Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gorgopis Posted February 8, 2021 Share Posted February 8, 2021 (edited) Here are some actions you can try, if you want to keep using the same saved game. 1) You can try loading an earlier save, to see if you can visit the troubled location. If an earlier save allows you to reach the in-game camp, then the later save is probably corrupted. 2) Visit/search uesp.net>wiki> Skryim:Console, to find console commands to help you. Load your latest troubled saved game. Now, approach the crashing location in game. Before it crashes open the console and type 'pcb' (without the quotes) and hit enter. Scan the records it shows deleted, which may give a clue to what's causing your crashes.) Now, exit the console. See if you can now access the area in-game. 3) Or, try this. Load your latest troubled saved game. Now, approach the crashing location in game. Before it crashes, stop and use the pcb command in console. Save the game. Now open the console and type player.kill plus enter.This is disturbing, but your character will die on screen, and Skyrim will reload the saved game, your character alive again, but it will clear all unnecessary references held in memory. You may find you can now proceed. 4) Out of game, on the Internet, visit wiki.step-project.com to review all the methods for making your game stable so it will not crash. 5) At the wiki console site above, #2, you can find how to use coc codes to access in-game locations using the conosle. Look up the coc code at uesp for the location of the camp you are trying to get to. Now, when you start Skyrim, load your very first saveafter you left Helgen at the beginning, if you still have it, or load a very early game in your playthrough. Within that saved-game, open the console, type in coc plus the location of the camp, hit enter. If the game takes your beginning character to that locationsuccessfully, then the location is not bugged. Immediately, before your inexperienced character gets killed by giants, open the save menu and load the latest save, and now see if you can get to the location. GL. Edited February 8, 2021 by Gorgopis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDragon2013 Posted February 13, 2021 Share Posted February 13, 2021 (edited) famaffe wrote: "Someone please help me with this?" vanilla scripts are:sprigganCallAnimalsAOE scriptname sprigganCallAnimalsAOE extends activeMagicEffect {Prototype for an ability where SPriggans call helper animals} faction property creatureFaction auto faction property sprigganFaction auto actor caster objectReference casterRef float myConfidence float myAggression ; this has value [default = 0.0] bool property bDebug = FALSE auto EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) caster = akCaster casterRef = (caster as ObjectReference) if bDebug ; debug.trace("TEST: applied Spriggan AoE to :"+akTarget) ; debug.trace("TEST: AoE was cast by: "+casterRef) ; debug.trace("TEST: Enemy of Spriggan: "+caster.getCombatTarget()) endif if akTarget.isInFaction(creatureFaction) == TRUE && !akTarget.isDead() ; save my conf/aggro values so they can be reset myConfidence = akTarget.getActorValue("confidence") myAggression = akTarget.getActorValue("aggression") ; make my enemies the spriggans enemies temporarily akTarget.addToFaction(sprigganFaction) ; if the spriggan caster has a combat target (she should) then I will beeline to attack it! if caster.getCombatTarget() akTarget.startCombat(caster.getCombatTarget()) endif ; make this animal very aggressive/confident for the duration of the spell akTarget.setActorValue("confidence", 4) akTarget.setActorValue("aggression", 1) endif endEVENT EVENT OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ; debug.trace("TEST: Released from Spriggan Enthrallment: "+self) akTarget.setActorValue("confidence", myConfidence) akTarget.setActorValue("aggression", myAggression) ; Line 52, Error: Actor value "aggression" - attempt made to set illegal value (-1.00).. akTarget.RemoveFromFaction(sprigganFaction) akTarget.evaluatePackage() endEVENT SprigganFXSCRIPT Scriptname SprigganFXSCRIPT extends ActiveMagicEffect {Attaches and controlss spriggan FX} import utility import form Actor selfRef VisualEffect Property SprigganFXAttachEffect Auto Spell Property crSprigganHeal01 Auto Spell Property crSprigganCallCreatures Auto Idle Property FFselfIdle Auto int doOnce ;=============================================== ;RegisterForSleep() ; Before we can use OnSleepStart we must register. EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) ;Play your particles. selfRef = caster ;test to see if spriggan is in ambush mode if (selfRef.GetSleepState() == 3) ; Debug.Trace("Spriggan is sleeping! 3") selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "KillFX" ) else SprigganFXAttachEffect.Play(selfRef, -1) endIf ENDEVENT Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) SprigganFXAttachEffect.Stop(selfRef) endEvent Event OnGetUp(ObjectReference akFurniture) ; Debug.Trace("We just got up from " ) SprigganFXAttachEffect.Play(selfRef, -1) selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "Revive" ) endEvent EVENT onDeath(actor myKiller) ;(selfRef as actor).PlaySubGraphAnimation( "LeavesScared" ) ;wait(10.0) selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "KillFX" ) wait(10.0) SprigganFXAttachEffect.Stop(selfRef) ENDEVENT EVENT onCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState) if aeCombatState == 1 selfRef.playIdle(FFselfIdle) utility.wait(3.0) crSprigganCallCreatures.cast(selfRef,selfRef) ; error line 53, but yours is line 93 that means you have running a non vanilla script endif endEVENT Event OnEnterBleedout() ; Debug.Trace("dude im bleeeding out" ) if doOnce == 0 selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "KillFX" ) wait(2.0) crSprigganHeal01.Cast(selfRef) selfRef.setActorValue("variable07",1) selfRef.evaluatePackage() wait(1.0) selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "Revive" ) ; error line 66 doOnce = 1 endIf ENDEVENT Edited February 13, 2021 by ReDragon2013 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDragon2013 Posted February 13, 2021 Share Posted February 13, 2021 (edited) [03/03/2014 - 05:37:45AM] error: (FF002791): Failed to send event Revive for unspecified reasons.stack: [ (FF002791)].Actor.PlaySubGraphAnimation() - "<native>" Line ? [Active effect 1 on (FF002791)].SprigganFXSCRIPT.OnEnterBleedout() - "SprigganFXSCRIPT.psc" Line 66[01/14/2015 - 03:02:19AM] warning: (FF0021EA): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..stack: [ (000CB12D)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ? [Active effect 1 on (FF0021EA)].SprigganFXSCRIPT.OnCombatStateChanged() - "SprigganFXSCRIPT.psc" Line 53 Years ago I tried to change these scripts as follow: sprigganCallAnimalsAOE Scriptname sprigganCallAnimalsAOE extends activeMagicEffect {v1.4 ReDragon 2014, Prototype for an ability where Spriggans call helper animals} Faction PROPERTY creatureFaction auto Faction PROPERTY sprigganFaction auto Bool PROPERTY bDebug = False auto ; UnUSED Float myConfidence Float myAggression Actor caster Actor targetREF ; Added by ReDragon ;ObjectReference casterRef ; UnUSED ; -- EVENTs -- 2 EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) caster = akCaster targetREF = akTarget Debug.Trace("Spriggan AOE: OnEffectStart() - caster = " + caster + ", target = " + targetREF + " " +self) IF (targetREF) && !targetREF.IsDead() && targetREF.IsInFaction(creatureFaction) ;=1 save my conf/aggro values so they can be reset ;-------------------------------------------------- myConfidence = targetREF.GetActorValue("confidence") ; >> 1 myAggression = targetREF.GetActorValue("aggression") ; >> 2 ;=2 make my enemies the spriggans enemies temporarily ;----------------------------------------------------- targetREF.AddToFaction(sprigganFaction) ;=3 make this animal very aggressive/confident for the duration of the spell ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- targetREF.SetActorValue("confidence", 4) targetREF.SetActorValue("aggression", 1) ;=3 if the spriggan caster has a combat target (she should) then I will beeline to attack it! ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- actor aRef = caster.GetCombatTarget() IF (aRef) targetREF.StartCombat(aRef) ENDIF ENDIF ENDEVENT EVENT OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Debug.Trace("Spriggan AOE: OnEffectFinish() - caster = " + akCaster + ", target = " + akTarget + " " +self) IF (akTarget) && (akCaster == caster) && ((akTarget == targetREF) || (targetREF == None)) akTarget.SetActorValue("confidence", myConfidence) ; << 1 akTarget.SetActorValue("aggression", myAggression) ; << 2 akTarget.RemoveFromFaction(sprigganFaction) akTarget.EvaluatePackage() ENDIF ENDEVENT SprigganFXSCRIPT Scriptname SprigganFXSCRIPT extends ActiveMagicEffect {v1.4 ReDragon 2014} ; attaches and controls the spriggan FX behavior Idle PROPERTY FFselfIdle auto Spell PROPERTY crSprigganHeal01 auto Spell PROPERTY crSprigganCallCreatures auto VisualEffect PROPERTY SprigganFXAttachEffect auto Actor selfRef Int doOnce ; see OnEnterBleedOut() ; -- FUNCTIONs -- 2 FUNCTION myF_Help(Int i, ObjectReference oRef) ;--------------------------------------------- IF (i == 0) Debug.TraceStack("SprigganFXSCRIPT: Becomes a <None> value! " + i + " for actor " +selfRef+ " " +self) RETURN ; - STOP - ENDIF ;--------------------- IF (i == 1) IF oRef.Is3DLoaded() ; ### USKP 2.0.1 ### 3D check after waittime crSprigganHeal01.Cast(oRef) ENDIF selfRef.SetActorValue("Variable07", 1) selfRef.EvaluatePackage() RETURN ; - STOP - ENDIF ;--------------------- IF (i == 2) IF oRef.Is3DLoaded() ; ### USKP 2.0.1 ### 3D check after waittime crSprigganCallCreatures.Cast(oRef, oRef) ENDIF RETURN ; - STOP - ENDIF ;--------------------- ENDFUNCTION FUNCTION myF_Action(Int i) ;------------------------- IF (!selfRef) || (!self) myF_Help(0, None) RETURN ; - STOP - ENDIF ;--------------------- IF (i == 2) ; 2 OnCombatStateChanged() selfRef.playIdle(FFselfIdle) Utility.Wait(3.0) myF_Help(2, selfRef as ObjectReference) RETURN ; - STOP - 2 ENDIF ;--------------------- IF (i >= 0) SprigganFXAttachEffect.Play(selfRef, -1) ; 0 OnEffectStart(), ambush mode IF ( i == 1 ) ; 1 OnGetUp() ;SprigganFXAttachEffect.Play(selfRef, -1) selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "Revive" ) ENDIF RETURN ; - STOP - 0, 1 ENDIF ;--------------------- selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "KillFX" ) IF ( i == -3 ) ; -3 OnEnterBleedOut() ;selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "KillFX" ) int j = 2 WHILE (j > 0) Utility.Wait(j as Float) ; first time "wait(2.0)", second time "wait(1.0)" IF ( selfRef ) IF (j == 2) myF_Help(1, selfRef as ObjectReference) ELSEIF !selfRef.IsDead() ; && (i == 1) selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "Revive" ) ENDIF ELSE j = 0 ENDIF j = j - 1 ENDWHILE RETURN ; - STOP - ENDIF ;--------------------- IF ( i == -2 ) ; -2 OnDeath() ;selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "KillFX" ) Utility.Wait(10.0) IF ( selfRef ) SprigganFXAttachEffect.Stop(selfRef) ENDIF ;ELSEIF ( i == -1 ) ; -1 OnEffectStart(), sleeping ;selfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "KillFX" ) ENDIF ENDFUNCTION ; -- EVENTs -- 6 ;=================================================== EVENT OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ;=================================================== SprigganFXAttachEffect.Stop(selfRef) ; DO NOT use OnUpdate() event for this !!! ENDEVENT ;=================================================== EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ;=================================================== selfRef = akCaster IF (selfRef.GetSleepState() == 3) ; if TRUE spriggan is sleeping myF_Action(-1) ELSE myF_Action(0) ENDIF ENDEVENT ;============================ EVENT OnDeath(Actor myKiller) ;============================ myF_Action(-2) ENDEVENT ;====================== EVENT OnEnterBleedout() ;====================== IF ( doOnce == 0 ) doOnce = 1 myF_Action(-3) ENDIF ENDEVENT ;========================================= EVENT OnGetUp(ObjectReference akFurniture) ;========================================= myF_Action(1) ENDEVENT ;============================================================ EVENT OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, Int aeCombatState) ;============================================================ IF (aeCombatState == 1) myF_Action(2) ENDIF ENDEVENT Edited February 13, 2021 by ReDragon2013 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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