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New Vegas MP3 Radio Bug


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Our Mod, Project Bazil, has two radio stations:




I had them working just fine, and now both of them are fracked. *shakes fist at sky.*


The first is due to switching our songs from WAVs to MP3s. NCRPR will just skip a song after about 3 seconds, then loop back to the DJ. We've tried a few things, like adding dummy tracks of all our radio files with lip sync, and making sure that the mp3s are 128 & constant bit-rate. Nothing seems to be fixing the problem. If I don't have the issue solved by the 9th of April, I'll just switch them back to wav files (which are a rather huge 16MBs each of space added to our BSA, versus just 2 or 3MB for an mp3.)


DETH981 also has a DJ, which I just went ahead and integrated as songs rather than with voice tracks, because we've been on this thing for 4 years and I'm getting lazy. ;) However, after a recent merger of our plugins to the main esm, the songs now get stuck on repeat, and don't play out of order. Even with random checked, they still loop on one track infinity.


There are 5 of us on the team now, and everybody has their assignment for a release this April. I can't spare any of their volunteer hours for this job. Casum was going to drop by, but has vanished.


If anyone has a quick fix, let me know.

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From my experience, MP3s do not work in BSA, and must remain extracted in order for them to work properly. This could be causing your issues, but I am assuming you have them extracted during this test?


Whoops, forgot today is the 11. Nevermind.


Yes, we're not packing them. The bug it turns out was script related, and is now solved. Still could use some assistance with the control script to prevent repeat plays of the DJ & Music.

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