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Interrupting Player Sleep


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Has anyone ever found a way to interrupt the player's sleep? I've been trying to code a scene where after the player goes to sleep, it'll be interrupted at a specific time and the scene happens from then on. (Think enemy ambush in the middle of the night.)


I've been digging through all the script functions and I have not found anything. Using RegisterForSleep / OnSleepStart seemed like the right direction, but there doesn't seem to be anything that interrupts the sleep cycle once initiated. I've even tried toggling player AI to have him play a package in hopes it would interrupt the cycle, but it just waited until the player woke up.


The only way I can think of right now is using SKSE and doing a Key tap to cancel, but I would prefer not to use SKSE, not because I dislike it, I use it, but because I want to keep the required files for my mod to a minimum.


The reason I wanted to do this was for camping/frostfall compatibility. I could simply code the bed at the lodge to play the scene and set the time on activate, but it would have been cool if the player had to option to set up their own camp near the lodge.


Hopefully, someone might have something I'm missing!

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I've had to put this as a spoiler as it contains some information about a certain mission in the game, proceed with caution.



Try looking at the script that plays when the Dark Brotherhood first contacts you after killing Grelod the Kind. The player has to go to sleep, at which point the player is transported somewhere else and a scene plays.


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"but I would prefer not to use SKSE"

However, you need SKSE to do this. It's called a Script Extender for a reason ;)


I wouldn't worry about using SKSE. Anyone who has mods will surely have it. If they don't? Put a link to download it on your mod's description.

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McclaudEagle, on 06 Apr 2013 - 18:32, said:

I've had to put this as a spoiler as it contains some information about a certain mission in the game, proceed with caution.



Try looking at the script that plays when the Dark Brotherhood first contacts you after killing Grelod the Kind. The player has to go to sleep, at which point the player is transported somewhere else and a scene plays.


Jack pot! Moving the player works wonders! Huzzah!
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PlaceAtMe + GetHeadingAngle/SetAngle on an XMarkerHeading is a nice way to maintain position dynamically.

Something like this: (Code is still fairly primitive. Its a fresh script and I'm also fairly new to papyrus scripting). Thought I'd post this here in case someone ever looked this question up in the future. (This script also handles a cutscene.)


Scriptname NBBlackmaneQ01Stg20PlayerOnSleep extends ReferenceAlias  

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto

GlobalVariable Property GameHour Auto

Idle Property WakeUp Auto

ImageSpaceModifier Property BlackScreen Auto
ImageSpaceModifier Property Woozy Auto

Location Property EdgthosLodge Auto

ObjectReference Property pWakeUpSpot  Auto
ObjectReference Property Xmarker Auto

Quest Property NBBlackmaneQ01 Auto

ReferenceAlias Property Player Auto

Form XmarkerBase

Event OnSleepStart(float afSleepStartTime, float afDesiredSleepEndTime)

	XmarkerBase = Xmarker.GetBaseObject()
	ObjectReference XmarkerPos =	PlayerRef.PlaceAtMe(XmarkerBase) AS ObjectReference
	float zOffset = XmarkerPos.GetHeadingAngle(PlayerRef) + 180
	XmarkerPos.SetAngle(XmarkerPos.GetAngleX(), XmarkerPos.GetAngleY(), XmarkerPos.GetAngleZ() + zOffset)

	if PlayerRef.IsInLocation(EdgthosLodge)
		if (GameHour.GetValue() >= 8 && GameHour.GetValue() <= 13.9)
			Debug.Notification("It is too early to lure Blackmane. Better wait until late afternoon.")
		elseif (GameHour.GetValue() >= 2 && GameHour.GetValue() <= 7.9)
			Debug.Notification("It is too late to lure Blackmane now, morning comes. Better wait until late afternoon.")
			;Setup Cutscene + advance time
				Game.DisablePlayerControls(true, true, true, true, true, true, true)
				;MoveTo allows to interrupt sleep
					;Set time and wait
			;get the player moving to a specific xmarkerheading, done to move out of the tent (for Frostfall/camping mod users)
			;Setup next quest stage (and objectives)

			;Stop watching for sleep mode




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