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Low framerate, need solutions.


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My computer has a real problem running New Vegas for some reason. So far I have screwed with the options in the launcher, changed some things around in Fallout_default.ini and downloaded a mod that I didn't need. I've run out of patience trying to find the exact fix I need, so I'm trying this forum. I was told this laptop could even run Skyrim on Ultra setting.


My computer has Windows 8 with a Intel HD Graphics 4000 graphics card. If you need more info on my computer I'll try to find it, but every fix so far hasn't solved the problem. If there are several or more characters around (people, monsters, whatever) the fps drops way off. I don't even care if it's just 30fps, as long as it doesn't go below that I'm fine.



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Well problem 1: You have an integrated graphics card, you will never get anywhere near great visuals with that. You can however use this: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40442 to fine tune a lot of the settings.


Honestly, with a modded game, you'd be lucky to get 30fps. I wouldn't even think about a heavily modded game, unless you like very minimal graphics. Realistically, you need to upgrade you PC, (but downgrade your OS to Win7, Win8 is BS XDXDXD)


Hope this has enlightened you :)

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I posted same issue,still no reply.

My problem with low fps is when there are enemies (humans) around,fps goes by 50% and it's hard to play.

You have an integrated Graphic card,which kinda suck's you need to get a decent gpu

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