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Marksman Assault Rifle


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I would love to have an assault rifle with the texture of a Marksman Carbine, without a scope, fully automatic that has a 31 round magazine (30 in the clip plus one in the chamber) with a DPS just short of the Light Machine Gun and lower AP than the LMG too. There is a mod close to this, but it isn't automatic and doesn't have a 31 round clip.


A Mark 23 with optional silencer would be awesome too.

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Yes, I have heard of the Assault Carbine, but it is not the same thing I'm asking for. The part you put your left hand around is round, with no rail system for attachments.


It may be a small aesthetic difference, but it matters to me! Also the Assault Carbine shoots bullets at a huge rate, eating up ammo quickly.


Bascially what I want is an HK 416. I know there used to be one, but I can't find it anywhere.

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