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Wertzuu - BANNED

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Wertzuu banned.

Troll account, join date 30 Jan 2021, 10:15PM
Unsubstantiated aggressively belittling and criticising other members and their contents solely based on mod descriptions
Particularly offensive remarks towards another member

Comments 07 February 2021

09:07 PM
Well, thank you very much for wasting my time on this nonsense.

Comments on mods not downloaded:
09:15 PM
It's just terrible. Every last thing about it is just wrong. It completely breaks the thought of the true Snow Elf race and wipes out its meaning. The Snow Elves are not... Grey! They're pale and have parts of their skin red. This is not a lore-friendly mod and I hate it. I really don't like the way they look at all, I don't see the point in dowloading this mod. It is a disgrace to the Snow Elves, it looks so bad! Note: Snow Elves have only white hair so if "Vyrthur" has black hair then it breaks the lore already. I'd also like to point out the nonsense of the eyes, they don't look like Snow Elven eyes at all. I better recommend downloading the *mod title*. https://www.nexusmods.com/*****/ this one. It is way better and realistic towards the Ancient Falmer, I don't like this mod. The hair makes no sense, the eyes, the skin, what's so Ancient Falmer about it? No, nothing whatsoever. Just download the True Snow Elf Race mod if you want the real Falmer race and be lore-friendly.

Have a nice day.

09:17 PM
Yep I agree. Nothing's snow elf about it whatsoever. The skin is grey. The eyes are wrong. Want a real Snow Elf race? Here, download this: https://www.nexusmods.com/*****/

It's the True Snow Elf race.

09:34 PM
What to say... it is trash. All of it is wrong, doesn't look like a Snow Elf at all. The skin is wrong by the way, they're supposed to have red spots around their elbows, ears, mouth and knee. So far doesn't look like this false snow elf has that. I'd say this mod is a filthy piece of trash, not lore-friendly. Eyes are wrong, skin is wrong, HAIR IS WRONG and all of it looks like a Dark Elf that had too much plastic surgery... I don't understand what people see about these anime-looking re-textures of lore-friendly races. It makes them look like frickin' Ariana Grande! No offence on Ariana Grande, of course. But you get my point. Heck, even the Male textures are made to look terrible with those mods, is it even Skyrim anymore? To me, it looks like Anime. Nothing snow elf about it whatsoever and if you think I'm being toxic you haven't seen the best of me. Gonna delete this post? Yeah, go right ahead. Delete someone's post who's expressing his opinion, perhaps in a more aggressive way but I can't stand this anymore. I just can't. I'm so sorry for what I'm about to say but Snow Elves don't have giant bloobs.

10:20 PM
Looks terrible. Doesn't look like a Snow Elf at all, looks like Ariana Grande or an Anime girl with far too much plastic surgeries. Falmer are supposed to have red spots on their elbows, knees, ears, and mouth. It's not lore-friendly and I hate it. How dare you even post this piece of poop? I am a family-friendly person so I won't curse here but hell... I mean heck, you're an idiot. To Oblivion with all of you, pieces of poop making something that is an abomination looking worse than my first creation when I downloaded the RaceMenu mod. Get outta here you filthy piece of trash! Is this is still Skyrim yet? No! It is not. It birdpoop. Nobody likes you. Nobody wants you here. So get out of this platform 'til I start cursing and not being so family-friendly. How dare you post this? You're trash. All of this is trash. So get the poop out of here, aye? We are all better without you. Stop. Aye? It is not good, at all.

Have a terrible day?

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