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LonesomeRoad Duster coats


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I've been messing around for a few hours trying to do it myself but im a idiot so now im going to ask someone smarter to.

Would it be possable to take the dusters from the lonesome road addon and just make the coat a item you could wear over normal clothes.

I don't think it would be too hard for anyone that knows what there doing. just cutting the duster off the outfit and making it's own item and making it take a different body slot then normal clothes.

if thats a bit much to ask could someone just do the ncr version?

thanks in advance to anyone that could do this.


with a few more hours of looking i found them, http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44081

Edited by StephenV25
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You could do that but would have heavy clipping with the armour underneath, It would be easier to merge the two armours as on item.

if you know how to merge the ncr coat from lonesomeroad with the merc grunt outfit feel free to, as i can't, i can deal with minor cliping issues.

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