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Then what's the problem with just deleting the texture folder in your skyrim data folder? Mo2 does not save it's files in the skyrim folder but in a separate folder, deleting that folder will not mess up your mods whatsoever. Simply delete the meshes and the textures folder (or more specifically the actor ones), verify file integrity with steam and if that does not fix it you will know that it's an issue with your mods and not some loose residual file.

Ok, I removed all the Texture.bsa, Meshes.bsa, and even shaders.bsa, verified integrity of game files via steam. Opened the game and tried to replicate the bug, and its still there.

I have several mods which I think could be responsible, but it seems like its going to be a pain to try and check them. Before I verified the files, I tried to deactivate some of said mods. However, when I loaded in everyone was T-Posed and I couldn't move.

Just realized while writing that I may have needed to run FNIS first, lol. I'll go do that and see.

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Given that the original fix had to do with "estrusfemalebody_1_s.dds", I figured disabling anything... estrus... related would fix the problem. Unfortunately, it didn't do anything. Just to be sure, I'll keep them off as I keep trying things...


Right now, I have a feeling that my issue is (probably) coming from one of the following mods;


CBBE, BodySlide, XP32 Skeleton, HDT SMP Skin Meshed Physics, NAT, Noble Skyrim, one of the Community Overlays mods, Female Makeup Suite, KS Hairdos, Skin Feature Overlays, The Pure, The P3ACH, CBPC, or CBBE 3BBB.


These are the only mods which could possibly impact the way skin looks. I rather not go one by one to see, but at this point I don't know if I have much of a choice. I'm not going to uninstall BodySlide, XP32 Skeleton, and one or two others; simply because they are a pain to setup properly. I'll see if there is anything on their respective mod pages describing the issue, but so far my search across the internet has led me to believe I'm one of 10 people who have experienced this.

Edit: I should add, that the glossy skin issue ONLY applies to the body of my character (in third person at least). I tried to include a screenshot of this, but the gloss ends right at the joint of the hands, feet, and head. In first person, the hands are glossy as well.

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  • 11 months later...

Same problem here here,
I found the entering command showracemenu, changing skin color or something, maybe toggle race maybe load preset, then closing racemenu...

Creates a temporary fix until changing armor again




Why dose Spell Check want to correct,, showracemenu, to: longshoremen ?

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