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crysis + fallout


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add the crysis effects and some others would be very fun and immersive on FO3 is something possible ,my ideia is to " convert" the AP in high charges that are stocked on the pipboy (upgrade effects by power armor) so could be used to interact with player metabism or activate special devices. there are some mods around there that do some this but no one do it all together. for balance propose heavy slower the AP regenaration (turning ap points very valuable ) and lower player hitpoints.


1 - maximum speed - assemble micromachines and hormones that heavy increase your dash speed

2 - maximum armor - create a field force around player for halt any damage (1 ap point for each 2 of damage)

3 - cloak - a stealth boy effect but very shorter...may be used with caution because appear in the middle of enemies with no AP could be dangerous

4 - regen assemble regeneratives micromachines and hormones for a veeeeeery slow regeneration and limited (may need some rare chem,with low life span,assembleable on the house lab)

5 - maximum strengh - a strength boost for meele combat heavy ap usage

6 - slow motion -bullet time assemble micromachines and hormones that increase your perception and reflexes but with a heavy drawback effect

7 - holographic decoys = holographic projected copies of player for distract enemies a make they waste precious ammo.

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nanosuit would be nice but i dont know how to modeling (a very higher boost on AP then power armor ,but low armor)... by the explanation on crysis video opening good part of nanosuit funcion is boost character metabolism by liberating micromachines and esteroids on the user body...it could be done by the pipboy
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I liked Crysis. I liked the NanoSuit. I liked cool voice that said "Maximum..."


but I think your adaptation is off if you are trying to duplicate the crysis "perks".


Regen was all inclusive, but was boosted with Armor. Then just speed, strength, and cloak.


Most of those could be accomplished with object/actor effects. There was a power armor stealth suit mod.... you could look at it. Whenever your crouched, it turned on a cloak.

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this would require heavy use of the script extender. and all i can say is good luck because this seems to be a huge undertaking for just one person.


well , im aiming to not use fose ...at last till it get 1.0 ,even fose team say to not use on working mods because heavy script rewriting could be need . so the effects will be triggered by items .

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I don't see where it would be that complicated other than being tedious. All of the effects could be done with actor effects. All you would have to do is setup the conditions to which it is activated and deactivated. This is why I suggest looking at the stealth armor mod.... so you could figure out how he is scripting it.



Now creating the nano suit would be a different side of the puzzle.

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