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trying to fix out dated horizon weapon pack to work with horizon 1.8


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First time post sorry for any errors


So I am using this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23892?tab=description along with a slew of other mods mainly being the latest version of the horizon mod. I came apon two major issues. First is well trying to upgrade or building any of these weapon they require outdated versions of weapons parts



(the light frame is only craftable after messing with some stuff)


So after this and realzing that the mod pack hasn't been updated in over 3 years I decided to take matters into my own. hands. Using FO4Edit I found the crafting recipe for the weapons mods. And I think, I found the quest that inject the weapon crafting recipe into the ZX-1 experimention Lab's computer.

But this is where my second set of issue comes into play. First when I attempt to switch out the refrence component, with one I found in one of horizon crafting recipe, I get this error



This error only appears when I try to add said component meanwhile I normaly edit, add, or removed otherwise


Second is when looking at what I assume is the quest that add the weapons to the ZX-1 computer(among other things) I am having a hard time reading it and figuring out what everything does in fact the only reason why I assume the thing I'm looking for is here is because its the only time I see ZX-1 being reference. Although my searching is incomplete

oh one last note I am useing this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37170 along with a rough custom patch made with FO4Edit(but that doesn't have the weapon pack as a master so eh)


Now I can do a hack job and remove the outdated component requirements all together but that will still leaves the ZX-1 lab issue and make it overall "unbalence".


So my first question is how can I changed the weapon attachment recipe to the used the updated weapon parts

And, Is the quest "AddonItems_Z_WeaponPack01" the one that add the recipes to the ZX-1 experimentation? if yes, what do I have to change? If no, what does change that.


But, if I can't used the proper componets, then what are some recommendation for replacement to at least help rebalance the mod while making it functional again


Alos for the Weapon pack in general what other changes I should make to help keep the weapon pack up to date with horizon 1.8

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Hey ryoleo, I tried using automated batch scripts by Mater to fix this and was almost there when I realised that the underlying problem is a load order one. If you move/install the weapon pack earlier in the install order than Horizon 1.8, all of those issues are fixed by an updated esp in that mod. I'm using MO2 so was just a case of moving it above Horizon 1.8 on the left hand pane. If you're manually installing then you'll have to install Horizon 1.8 afterward. Don't forget to select weapon pack tick box.

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