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Unable to Sell, Buy, or Loot multiple items


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I use sky UI and whenever I enter the loot screen the momvent I got down to the indiviual items I hear a constant clicking noise. When this noise happens I am unable to loot,buy, or sell multiples of items above 6. For example I wish sell 8 orcish daggers up entering screen I switch to sell, go to weapons, and immeditely upon pressing down I hear a constant clicking noise. When I attempt to sell the 8 orchish daggers the "How Many?" screen quick appears and then disappears.Then when I press sell it states "I'm not strong enough to carry that..." then brining me back to the item being highlighted.


When I try a mouse I "How Many?" stays and I am able to click on the # bar but it does not show the numerical value of how many I have selected. Also the constant clicking noise is still present reguardless of mouse/keyboard or using controller.


I also use Requiem and Economics of Skryim

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