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Mod Requests & Info


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Okay, at the risk of being a pest I have no real talent as an artist to do meshes or whatever so I figured I'd toss out a couple of requests, along with a few questions about modding with what is there since I just DLed the GECK.


#1: A few things I would like to see:


A: A suit of powered armor based on the suit worn by Issac Clarke in "Dead Space". It just flat out looks awesome. If it could be done (the artwork/meshs/whatever it's called being the hard part) it would be nice to have it boost skills like repair and science. I've noticed that there are engineering jumpsuits and such but no engineering PA suits.


The weapons and such in Dead Space are kind of redundant with what is already in Fallout, and don't really look so massively cool that I would think they were worth the trouble.


B: In reading about some of the mods I noticed someone came up with a "Gunblade" based on Final Fantasy 8. It was mentioned in one of the comments that combined with another mod it would be capable of making some kind of melee weapon that could shoot. Nothing in the comments I read (or any other weapon descriptions I've read) seem to have a package that lets you melee and shoot off the same weapon. If possible some kind of energy sword that fired energy bolts, a functional gunblade, or even something similar to D'argo's "Qualta Blade" (from Farscape) would be cool. The latter wouldn't be practical though I figure despite being a major Farscape fan, largely because of the way it would have to morph.



At any rate I won't be seriously messing with mods until I've beaten the game "as intended" and have a "clean" save to play the expansions untainted. Except perhaps for installing some of the radio station mods since I prefer to use game sound (as opposed to playing music over the game) and I find the existing radio stations to be getting really, really old after 80+ hours of running around. No rush, but on the off chance someone does make a mod at my suggestion I will of course test it immediatly even if it means setting up multiple installs of the game for the moment or whatever.




GECK seems complicated to use (the instructions make my head hurt even though I haven't installed it yet). One of the big questions I have involving it is how it goes about giving you space to build. Reading the existing mods I see all kinds of stuff about having to modify .ini files (something I'm going to try and avoid when I do start playing with mods if at all possible) to extend the border of the world or whatever.


Is it at all possible to create a totally self contained enviroment not building into the space already in the game world and have the player transported there?


I've noticed a lot of the existing mods are all pretty much the same kind of stuff, livable houses for players, storage space, custom skins, new and more powerful gear. I haven't seen much in the way of like dungeons and such.


Given the general theme of the vaults I was thinking of like creating a cube shaped device (shades of Hellraiser) that would be a control unit from an old dimensional experiment which would teleport the player

into a trap filled labyrinth sort of like the "Cube" series of movies. With of course the goal being to get out. As an unmanned experiment the idea would be to get to the control room (where there would be the payoff whatever I decide to make it) and a teleport out.


I was sort of inspired by the way they set up the whole sequence with the hallunigenic gas in one of the vaults. Especially one of the final sequences where you wound in in a fight with a cloaked scientist while at the same time fighting a number of phantoms of your former friends from Vault 101 in what amounted to a seperate reality.


It is possible to set things up so people bounce back and forth like that? I was thinking that like having traps to deal with on one front, and monsters on the other, while being unable to deal with more than one group at a time (despite both being active on you) while switching back and forth would give things a sort of insane, and hectic feel.


Like many plans for mods this one might not ever see fruition, but right now I'm just wondering if it's even possible as that is what I'd like to build, providing it can be done without needing to do any real coding or artwork. "out of the box" so to speak.



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