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It's a Orc woman in Balmora Mages Guild....I can't remember the name....

But it's second quest from Caius Cosades


I made all the quests in every mages guilds and fighters guilds and she was there, but now she's not there and also if I load my oldest save, because I always overwrite basicly about 15 saves....


And I don't wanna play it again....

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Well, try RA first and see if she appears near her bookshelf after that. If she doesn't, then you should try the following in the console:


"Sharn gra-Muzgob00000000"->Disable


[Wait for a period of two seconds]


"Sharn gra-Muzgob00000000"->SetDelete 1
PlaceatPC "Sharn gra-Muzgob" 1 0 0


Note that this will place the NPC at your exact position, so you should stand as close to her bookshelf as possible.

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Well, you're supposed to press enter for each line, but yes, that's the jist of it. Be careful to wait two seconds before doing the setdelete command.


If you don't have Tribunal, Bloodmoon, or the Game of the Year edition of Morroiwnd installed, you can just skip ahead to the last command, without doing the diable and setdelete routine. However, it is still recommended that you try RA first.

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Okay, here's the step-by-step...


1) Position yourself near where the NPC would normally be.


2) Open the console using the "~" key.


3) Type "RA," hit enter, and then close the console.


4) Look to see if the NPC has re-appeared.


5) If she hasn't, open the console again. If she has, stop.


Here is where things get a little bit more complicated. If you have Morrowind: Game of the Year Edition, Tribunal, or Bloodmoon, follow the first set of steps. If you do not have any of these, follow the second set of steps.


If you have Morrowind: Game of the Year, Tribunal, or Bloodmoon


6) Type the following command into the console, and then press enter:

"Sharn gra-Muzgob00000000"->Disable


7) Keep the console open and wait for two seconds before you continue.


8) Type in the following commands, pressing enter after each line:

"Sharn gra-Muzgob00000000"->SetDelete 1
PlaceatPC "Sharn gra-Muzgob" 1 0 0


If you only have the original Morrowind


6) Type the following command into the console, and then press enter:

PlaceatPC "Sharn gra-Muzgob" 1 0 0

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