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A Realistic Overhaul (Help Wanted)


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I'm dumb. Filtered the general settings for "health" and found it immediately, fNPCHealthLevelBonus. Changed it from 5 to 0. Problem solved. No more health increase with level for anybody. Now I'm fearing no one will care about this mod, but then again I'm doing it for myself, as it should be. Moving forward!

Heh, i actually like the idea of having to increase your skill to improve, instead of increasing your health. Remindes me very much of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. =)

As for standardising the weapons; maybe you can release an XML for Reproccer to blanace the weapons for you. That way even mod-added weapons will be compatible. Making this an even more viable. (and awesome!)


Still leaves magic though.. :/ maybe release that as a separate plugin?

Edited by Urwy
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Gota say it, even if it's already done (pardon me I'm new). There has to be an overhaul on the blocking system. Loosing the ability to block is a s#*! of a thing when duel wielding. I understand duel wielding could become too powerful, but just because your Conan, or have a pair of magic hands, doesn't mean you instantly forget how to put something up when a warhammer is coming down. Beats blocking with your face all the time.

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I don't know anything about XML or Reproccer. I also don't know scripting so limited to whats already in the game. Tons of gameplay settings to figure out and no resources online explaining what they all do.


Based on humans having a health of 100 and no armor, base weapon damage will be around 25 per strike, so you and NPCs will die within 2-4 strikes depending if regular or power strikes. Armor would play a much bigger roll in protection and blocking as well. Magic buffs for mage types will be important too, and their lack of armor will be a weakness to contrast their dangerous spells.


Admittedly I play as either a pure warrior or as a battlemage, so magic isn't my strong point. Also I've yet to determine how this would work with non-human creatures. Dragons would have the highest health, say 1000, but they'd be severely difficult, if not near impossible to beat, which would mean you need to hit them near 40 times to win (less with perks), while they'd need only 1-2 strikes to kill you.

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Keep brainstorming. We'll be interested to see and hear more as you progress. Just know that making the game more realistic is going to be a difficult challenge. Make sure you do a good job and cover all your bases - the more the mod covers the better.



In regards to skill being a determining factor - that I like, a lot. I hate brainless games, and Skyrim is pretty brainless unless you're playing on ridiculous difficulty level, and even then it ends up being either brainless or frustrating. I'm looking forward to see where you go with this.



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Yea, I'm great at brainstorming and coming up with ideas, but not so great at implementing those ideas. The lack of documentation doesn't exactly help in determining what the general settings do and my own ambitions perhaps outweighing my knowledge. Its a daunting task for any one person, so would gladly accept help, especially if someone is knowledgeable about the game settings and could come up with the settings to best fit this mod's idea.

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  • 3 months later...

Necro, but I would really like to add my support to this. If I could help in anyway, give advice or resources, I'd be glad to help in such a worthy project. I did a lot of Oblivion modding, though nothing with Skyrim yet, but though some of my help may be a bit outdated, I would really like to help this see the light.

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If you want, you could give me a copy of the esp and I could see what I could do with it. I'm not sure how much I can get done, but I really don't want to see this project die.

Me neither, I hope you can do something with it, if not SOMEOOOONNNNNNNE, we need this mod

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