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Game doesn't start.


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Before the game even gets to menu it crashes. A window comes up for a split second, then goes away like it was minimized. No error or anything. I've enabled error logging in Papyrus but no lgos show up. Is there anyway to check what mods are causing this other than disabling every single one?
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Typically this kind of CTD is caused when a mod is missing a required master file.


The easiest way to find out which mod is causing the problem is to download and install wrye bash, as it will flag the mods with missing (or out of order) master files.

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no, Wrye Bash is a mod management utility that among other things flags mods that have missing or out of order master files (it also does the same for savegames).


It also enables users to create a bashed patch which merges changes made to levelled lists by any mod in your load order.

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