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can't run oblivion via external tools

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hello. i've been having this problem since last year now. if i try to run NMM on oblivion NMM crashes. If i try to run oblivion via mod organizer. or SKSE or any other exe that runs oblivion. oblivion crashes before the bethesda logo. but if i run oblivion via SKSE itself or just oblivion itself. it doesn't crash. it runs smoothly as normal. i really need help with this as this issue has been plaguing for months now. and i'm hoping to get this solved.

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Well, I'll take that SKSE means OBSE, as we're talking about Oblivion not Skyrim, and I never heard of Mod Organizer for Oblivion either, might mean OBMM, Wrye Bash or something similar, there are many anyways, but back to the issue at hand, if I understand it correctly, if you launch Oblivion through the regular, non-custom means, it starts up correctly, but if it's any other tool trying to start the game, it crashes?


What operating system are you on and where is your Oblivion installed? Later Windows versions are making trouble with programs accessing files in protected system folders, like everything "program files" for example, which is the default install location, or even executing at all without told to "run as admin". So let's rule these issues out first.

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i meant OBSE. my bad. the problem seems fixed after i uninstalled nehrim. that was the last thing i tried and it came up in my mind after i posted this. because NMM detected multiple install paths of oblivion. the main oblivion install path. located on the D drive. in a program files folder that i created myself for better sorting of my programs/games. and the nehrim install path. on the D drive also. i guess those 2 install path with an oblivion.exe were conflicting somehow.


about mod organizer. it is a tool that installs mods in a virtual data folder. so the game's data folder remains intact. this tool supports oblivion, skyrim and fallout 3/new vegas. i thought this was related to NMM being unable to launch oblivion. but i guess this is a different problem. and it probably had nothing to do with NMM. so i will contact mod organizer's author and ask him what could be causing it.

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