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Hey everyone,

I am playing a conjurer thief right now and it really is fun. Needed a few mods like Midas Magic and Bound Weapon Redux.

There is only one problem, conjuring a dagger is very loud. Sneaking up on somebody holding a conjured crossbow (bound crossbow mod) and then conjuring a dagger will certainly tell everyone your position. So, for now, I usually have to sneak far away, conjure a dagger and sneak back in.


I am not talking about the actual sound, I know there are a lot of replacers out there. I am talking about how npc are hearing you conjuring. (Assuming the actual sound and npc recognition is not connected.)



Does anyone already know a mod that let you conjure a weapon and stay hidden while doing so or is anyone willing to create such a mod?



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On the Illusion skill tree (far right line, second up), you'll find a perk called Quiet Casting, which silences your magic use to everyone around you. It should do what you're looking for, however it'll require three more perk points and a high enough level in Illusion to get it.

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