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Sectional Armor Combination


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I've found a couple of awesome sectional armors and I was wondering if someone would be able to combine them into a normal body set for me.
Currently using a combination of
Ashara Princess - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18008


Shredded Triss - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18113

Picture attached of the pieces and what I'd like changed.
I tried editing it myself but beyond the basic creation kit tools I'm clueless.

IF possible, I'd also like the trouser top [what shows over the top of the belt, marked in yellow] cut off so the pants ride lower.
This torso set looks so amazing with the ancient brotherhood boots, gloves, and hood from http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6249 but I hate having so many individual armor pieces constantly cluttering my inventory.

Anyone who could do this for me will have my first adopted child named after them, assuming there's a mod for that too. :P

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I ended up dabbling and trying to make this myself, but I've f***ed up something along the way. Mesh LOOKS how I want it and the textures are all right but I can't get it in game without it either crashing or being invisible. if anyone wants to take a look at the nif and see what I screwed up let me know, I could really use the help.

Edited by amoralimmortal
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