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[LE] My home door is not an open bar for NPC: key or navmesh ?


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Hi there,


I'm doing small modification on creation kit and its concerning doors :

I put several doors on an existing mod and I made connection to my house (whiterun, solitude .. and main capital)

Now it seems more convenient for lot's of NPC to go through this new ways.


By default I set up the doors as ''player faction'' but I still have everybody going through :

10 priests while im kissing my girl friend ? what now a guy on a horse ?? wtf this cow is doing at my home ? im going crazy XD


I would like to authorized only me and my followers.


Seems faction not a good solution, i've tried with a key but im not sure if I picked up the correct one : for example whiterunbreezehome key. It seems not working as if it's only lock at begining but not once unlocked.

I can't use console command like "lock" door cause I'm using this doors all the time.

Is there a specific script which continue to lock the door after you ran into?


a specific navemesh saying no npc its not a skyrim highway you are supposed to take :tongue:




Im checking all the doors again and maybe i have to set the key lock from the outside doors and not inside doors hope it will fix it.

Edited by kollo
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Put a collision box in front of it.

Then check the collision box in the render view.

It should have a "Primitive" in its settings which is a dropdown menu.


The default setting is "L_TRANSPARENT".

Change it to "L_NAVCUT".


You should be able to walk through the collision box (it lost its collision), instead it acts as a hole in the Nav Mesh it touches.


I've used something similar at my Enderal mod:


As you can see, that boss whisp tries to run through the barrier (which is actually just an effect, while there is a regular collision box).

It doesn't get, that it cannot walk through there. ^^

In an update, I've added a new layer of collision boxes over the existing ones and gave them the "L_NAVCUT" primitive.


Hah, initially I tried to simply change the existing collision boxes to "L_NAVCUT" and figured out that now you simply can run through it. XDDD


Yet with the new layer of "L_NAVCUT", she seems not try to get through there. At least I noticed a bit better behavior and I wonder if that would work for you too. :smile:




In addition:

But adding a key might be the quicker variant, except you need to take care that the door locks itself again after you used it. ;)

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