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cant get a dog/troll follower


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i have searched the net plus my game for a armored troll that got lost. and since i cant find it and any other armored troll i come across i have killed dont fix it either. and it is not that 1 dog that you have a quest for, cause i finish that quest a long time ago and he is a stone statue now. and i was hoping someone here would know what console command to get rid of it or teleport it to me so i can remove it or kill it. i think what cause it is that i left dawn guard inside before the troll could come over to me.and when i got outside i fast traveled right after i spawn outside to go do my vampire kill quest. but i never saw the troll ever again.


i have killed all the trolls inside dawn guard castle and the one that guards the main entrance to the cave system to daysprings, i even found a armored troll out in Solstheim that was wondering around, and that didnt fix the " i could sell you a armor troll/dog but you have one all ready" problem.


any help would be appreciated greatly..

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