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Skyrim freeze at loading screen "fix"


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I have installed some HD textures from nexus (not the official patch) + 200 mods. Ram used in game exteriors = 3,4gb. So when i enter some caves or inn = freeze loading screen.


So i do this :


-stop the game with task manager when freeze happens.

-go to skyrim/data and rename textures folder to any other name.

-load again the game and enter/leave cave/inn

-laugh at purple companion faces

-save the game and exit

-rename again the folder to textures

-load the save and continue playing.


It always worked for me.


I5 3570

8gb ram

HD6870 1gb



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Hmmm... I suggest try to run Skyrim's debug program, Papyrus. Go into the Skyrim Preferences document, set Papyrus to "1", and the next CTD will give you an error report in the Papyrus reports folder. use that to track down the source of the CTD.

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