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Ragnarok Online Class Armor


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Not being a modder myself, being neither skilled in script editing, textures nor mesh work. Figured i'd make a request for something i haven't seen.


Ragnarok online had a number of great class designs and i would LOVE to see these ported over to Skyrim as Armor Sets.


http://www.playragnarok.com/gameguide/classes_index.aspx If this isn't sufficient i'll try and find a better source for reference when i get back later.


The ones i'd like the see are

Tier 1

Thief, Swordsman, Mage, Acolyte

Tier 2

Assassin, Hunter, Knight, Crusader, Sage, Monk, Priest

Tier 3

Lord Knight, Sniper, Assassin Cross, High Priest, Paladin, Minstral / Gypsy

Tier 4

Rune Knight, Warlock, Ranger, Arch Bishop, Sura



Gunslinger & Soul Linker


Now i wouldn't mind seeing ALL of them, but the rest aren't very lore friendly, and that'd be a HUGE project, so to shorten it since it's doubtful i'd even be involved much, these are the ones i'd want most of all...


Assassin &/or Asssassin Cross, Crusader &/or Paladin(Cape being a separate piece) & Warlock.


Thanks for atleast taking the time to read and consider this...and hopefully take it on =D

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