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Jukebox Item Code Help?


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Ok I have Googled several sites and they all tell me the same. They give me this code for the

Home Improvement .. Jukebox, I.D. Code 0007C125 . They say to just use player.additem to add this to my home. Is this true or am I NOT doing something right. >:( I get the halotape thingies and thats it.

I have a Nice small home mod by RRilef :biggrin:

http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/5979 I want add stuff to it. Will these item codes work in the player.additem console? Or are these item codes for something other than what their telling me..? Also, Special thank's to all you Mod maker's. Awesome work guys n Girls. :cool:

Edited by JoeHerig
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JoeHerig - Hello!

The code, 0007c125 is for the "house improvement" Jukebox that activates within your player home. That's either Tenpenny Tower or Megaton. The item it adds to your inventory is just a marker (the holo tape) & not the real Jukebox.

For one of those you'd need one of these codes depending on what type you want:

0002d671 (dirty)
00028fbc (clean)
000a6ffa (vault 101)

You can find item codes like these listed at the item's Fallout wikia page, like:


The command "player.additem" won't work for it as it's not an inventory item so can't be spawned in your inventory.

You'd need to use:

player.placeatme 00028fbc

But that's going to be difficult to place as it's a static.

It would be a lot easier to edit the mod with GECK & place the Jukebox & anything else you like exactly where you want.

GECK is pretty easy to get a hang of & a lot of fun once you do.

Also, any changes made with the console will only apply to your character from that save on.

Use GECK to place it & the changes will be there for any character you use.

Hope this helps!


Edited by prensa
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