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Lady Azura

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Oh yes, it is nebulas they were callded, silly me, i forgot the word so I went for "stars and such". Back to the school bench. ;D

I figured at least that life/death were theme in the picture cause of the horse and the fire. Should had figured

rebirth had a finger in the game aslo.

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The spalsh and the puddle looks like a spalsh and a puddle, didn't connect 'em to something though. :unsure:


Anyhow, it's a very nice drawing, makes it tempting to pick up the 'ol pencils again. ;D

Infact, I think I'll do just that right now, geck is teasing the heck out of me.

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This is my latest drawing, yet it isn't finished. I started on it last night

and have been doodling with it for about 6 hours now.

For the first time in a very long time I've been using color pencil to color it. I found out that

I lack quite many colors so I can't really complete it before I've bought some new pens.

Anyhow, here's a peek. Credits to Kungfubelly, for some inspiration.



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I wish I could draw as good as you...this picture is very nice! I like the colours...^^

And here are a few pictures I made. Finally, I'm able to upload them. :smile:








Just a pic of me and some flowers...nothing special! Hope you like them.

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Naw, not fair, I don't got such nice flowers growing around here. :(

Could probably find them in a flower shop though, but that wouldn't be the same. :confused:

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hihi... :biggrin:

But you can find many other nice things outside your house- trees, animals, people. Just look for something nice and make a photo. :wink:


And again some of my pics(of my holiday in Austria and of my little village)







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Umm, umm... *peeks out through the window at neightbors* ... ummm... :confused:


Well, I actually took a few pics of the lake behind my house... umm... can be found on page 19. But what ever you do, if you go peeking, don't click the picture.

Or it's more like of the sun... but the lake is there!


Edit: Oh and, and the first and the two last pictures are greate! Go shoot some more!

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If I only had a garden! Too bad it's hard to have one when living on the 3rd floor. :(

But hey, I got a whole forest behind my house, and a nice lake, so it makes up for the lack of a garden. ;D


Hmm, which one will be my favorite this time... the bottom one good a good chance!


Oh and my turn!


My dinner a while ago. Donno why I took a picture of it.




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I rarely draw, and when I do, I use paint and my mouse. Takes up an awful lot of time, but Its worth it I think. Those Pics are pretty old, from 05 to 07. Havent had the Inspiration for now.



This is the newest one I made, a few things have been altered with irfanview to make it look a bit smoother (moon and City lights in Water)



Thats it, hpe you like it :whistling:

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