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Lady Azura

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Very nice. A shame it blurred. My roomie is studying photography and takes photos of me so maybe I am too picky?


You can study pornography?! Hehe, new career! I joke, I joke. Just wanted to say that.

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No, not too picky :cool: . I dont like the blur either, but I cant afford a nice camera yet, so for now I have to put up with a lot of blurred pics and strange colors. Here are some other's that turned out a little better.




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I agree. Excellent shots btw, I took a DVC and photography class when I was going to AI for game art/ design. I use to go out a lot and take random photos, and Ive had pretty steady hands from drawing and painting. I threw a few of my artworks up in earlier posts. Sadlt though I ahvent been able to draw or paint because I fractured my left hand :/


Are you planning on majoring in photography or a field like it?

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No, not too picky :cool: . I dont like the blur either, but I cant afford a nice camera yet, so for now I have to put up with a lot of blurred pics and strange colors. Here are some other's that turned out a little better.




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Number 2 is my favorite of there three, its natural and doesnt looked staged, visually appealing, well shot.

An intense dynamic light from the left side of the room would have done wonders for it, but staged pictures arent as good as naturaly captured life :)

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Number 2 is my favorite of there three, its natural and doesnt looked staged, visually appealing, well shot.

An intense dynamic light from the left side of the room would have done wonders for it, but staged pictures arent as good as naturaly captured life :)

You're correct, 2 was not staged, 1 was. 3 wasn't staged either, I took one while she was brushing her teeth in the morning.


2 was on a hot summer day after she got back from school. She got topless because of the heat, had a snack(Seen lower right in the pic), then took a nap, then woke up, took her pants off and started to read in bed. I have more pics of that day. You cant see it but she has a book in front of her. As I said, my most recent favorite pics are this type, just candid. It also gives me an excuse to not feel bad about showing how messy our place gets since it's just a natural part of the moment. btw, I'm no shutter bug. This is just a casual hobby with cheap equipment.


We did use a dynamic light a few times and it turned out well, but we have since thrown the light away since it was an ugly floor lamp :wink:. They were earlier when most everything was posing though. I'll show a few, one of which brushes on erotica since it shows some of her personal toys in the background. I think it will be ok for this forum, anything more and I would post a link.


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@ SionDS

Hopefully they'll be alright on the forum. Lol given all the screenshots showing off nude mody replacers for Oblivion, Fallout, and Morrowind lol, I dont think you're pictures will be a problem at all.

Hmmmm, both of them definately qualify as erotica, very nicely shot too. The first one has attitude lol, I look at it and it says "come and get some". Well done :thumbsup: The second is more mellow but has a mellwo intensity about it, given the objects the number 2 has in the background. Number 2 definately looks comepletly natural too, like you snapped it almost immediately afterwards lol.

Nice work! Kudos in route for you SionDS :thumbsup:

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On the forums these are over the line as there is no NSFW (Not Suitable for Work) abilities, screen shots and files have the ability as they are based on the file sites not the forums.


While quite nice, they were deleted, the forums are PG rated.



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  • 1 year later...

Long time no see...but I'm back with some new artworks that kinda helped my engine going...

So, my puffy heaven, as it was few months ago xD :


Aaaaand a billboard I've done for school on one occasion (not really much of a sight but so much work and love was put into it and I just adore it) :


Edited by Lady Azura
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