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Lady Azura

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he looks too cute :P

should have a human limb hanging out of the mouth and blood dropping from its fangs :D


nah but honestly it really aint a bad drawing :)

obviously not finished yet but the technical aspect of it is fine id say...

the scene itself of course is not really impressive but as i see it you trained in that pic to understand the structure of a dragon better and for thats its really well done

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Thankyou both.


I rarely ever show any of my pics.


I will dig out a few for you to look at.


Cheers Katklaw :thanks:

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Again thank you


I was trying to imagine what it would really be like trying to get at a 3 tonne creature that lived in a cave a could breathe fire and was as intellegent as you, fully armoured, with its own set of weapons.


I used a gaboon vipers head as inspiration for Baranthor's head(all Dragons must have a name)


Not such an easy proposition in reality.

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These pictures seem to be too big and I have run out of space so here is a link to the next.


My inspiration for this one was again dragon based


I entered Mistarials cave a great labrynth. Dark and musky from the hundreds of years dragons had been living here. I slipped quietly past the lizard men guards who were talking in hisses and clicks as they lounged around small fire edged by old dragon scales which glowed in a dark red hue. Hugging the dark spaces and recesses in the tunnels. I inched forward I felt an itch between my shoulder blades as I made my way to her nesting cave. Why did this seem so easy? I mean I'm a good thief dont let anyone tell you otherwise.


I stopped to take a few deep breaths as I looked down into her cave. There was loot as far as I could see gold, jewels as big as eggs, jeweled weapons, silks, and armour lay scattered all across the carvern. But that was not why I was there. I was under a geas, cursed by a great wizard.


I should have listened to my friends.




He cackled when the trap sprung around me trapping me on the roof of his tower and appeared before me in a flash of light.


said in a frail old voice" Well well well ........ a fly in my web caught mmmmm".


"Two choices have you here thief. Either a geas shall you undergo or the gallows shall you hang.


as sweat leaked into my eyes from the strain of the magical trap slowly crushing me to the roof he cackled again "your reply Archemon awaits"




So here I am a fool on a fools errand. Who would want the Scepter of Icherus anyway its cursed EVERYBODY knows it.


A sigh escaped my lips as I am pushed forward buy the magical curse, I take a small talismen from my pocket as I clamber over the treasure littered floor. The talisman started to glow as a moved towards the scepter.


Typical is was right in the furtherest corner under a pile of rubies as big as eggs. as my hand grasped the scepter the geas pushed me away from the riches that could have made me a king. I couldnt even reach for a single coin.


I again reclined in the dark recesses as a moved wraith like through the tunnels to the old side entrance. The itch was still there as I moved into the light.


The sun was suddenly blotted from my view and replaced by the beautifully scaled face of the great dragon Mistarial.


A great alien boom surrounded me, I then realised it was the laugh of a great dragon and she didnt sound as happy as her laugh.


"Well well little one has Archemon sent another errand boy to do his dirtywork?"


A great clawed hands crushed the rocks to my left and right as the dragon found purchase on the ledge.


I paused as I fought the dragon fear and geas both, one to run backwards and the other to move forward. The strain started to tell as I fell to my knees.


I struggled to talk but the magic of the geas had gagged me as well.


"WELL ANSWER ME" she boomed crushing more rocks beneath her claws.


A tear rolled down my cheek as I tried to gain control of myself.


Flame smashed into the rocky outcrop to the right of me turning it into slag. I could feel my hair starting to singe.


" Answer me or you will make a tasty treat" she said as she bared her sword like teeth.


What will happen next.

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Awwwwwww that rose reminds me on someone...so gentle, yet so perfect.

Looks captivating!

Great job! ;) :ohmy: :thumbsup:

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