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What happened to the Soviets?


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I would like to see a mod that add soviet remnents to the game. Geck is being a %&$!. And It won't let me do it. I see acouple of mods that would theme it perfectly. I cannot model or skin so I'm kinda screwed.




Good Idea for the uniform retex of col. autum.

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Im implementing the PAC from BF2142 and the EU, (pan asian coalition) its basically all the asian countries + russia) versus the european countries united under one banner.


Fallout lore says the European union dissolved, but Im not disputing that as what the American government told their people at the time of the war, a scare tactic to ensure devotion, loyalty and obedience to their own forces, since in such a case, there would be no allies left and everyone must look solely to their government for defense and protection (just what they would want)


So with my mod you hear the true story of what happened on the other side of the world :) Europe didnt give up on us :)


A more complete lore writeup is in my mod thread in the general modification talk section... explains what many people feel would be canonity*(sp) or lore problems, easily handled and explained with reasoning from the BF2142 story.


So yes, the russians are coming, along with the other asian countries :)

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the soviet union actually ignited the war between the rest of the world whilst standing by and watching as it was choosen by lord rothshild to be his place of retreat and to reap in the revenue of that world war... which is not surprising as it has quite some beautiful chicas running round... and borscht aint that bad if you mind the rest of the world eating themselves...
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Fallout lore says the European union dissolved, but Im not disputing that as what the American government told their people at the time of the war, a scare tactic to ensure devotion, loyalty and obedience to their own forces, since in such a case, there would be no allies left and everyone must look solely to their government for defense and protection (just what they would want)


Damned Eurotard...


The European Commonwealth, not Union, dissolved into "bickering nation states" 15 YEARS before the nuclear war due to conflict over resources. Its the same reason that the United States annexed Canada and China invaded Alaska.

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but the point is still valid... what if the us gov just told that crap and actually everyone in europe lives in a well happy place :D... with trees, crops, chicks with only 2 boobs and such...

but you really dont need to belive us eurotards you americunt*... what the prez says is always true :P





*(i hope you dont take too much an offence... take it as you wanted us to take it...)

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but the point is still valid... what if the us gov just told that crap and actually everyone in europe lives in a well happy place :D... with trees, crops, chicks with only 2 boobs and such...

but you really dont need to belive us eurotards you americunt... what the prez says is always true :P


The break down of the EC is not something stated by "teh prez", it was given as a nonbiased background element during the intro of the first game as a overview of the state of socioeconomic breakdown prior to the war. The idea that Europe would escape unscathed is foolish. Nuclear war means everyone looses. Europe very well might be worse off than the US due to the lack of a single language. Groups would split along ethnic or national lines do to isolation and compition for resources would be even worse due to the greater population density.


There are several good fan games and mods under production, mostly by poles, that show what fallout europe would look like.

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But still it would be feasible that a few....shall we say less democratic minded people would have stayed behind? What more glorious way to bring about the fall of captilisim than from within?


Just sayin it would bring some more diversity that the....(insert generic american here) Type of people that are there.


It is one thing that I do miss about oblvion. Crucify me if you like but it's true and that's what fallout 3 lacks. It needs crimminals, not just raiders and some slave's. It need a living breathing somtimes out of the wrong iradiated mutated mouth.


What it needs is random folks scaving the d.c ruins that you can help or kill. or a few ruskie remnents strollin through our nations capital.


Or maybe a burnt out jet lab in/under the reflecting pool.


Just something to make it seem....alive.

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