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Tweaking Ziggy's Mod


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Hi guys,


I've been trying to change a couple of things about Ziggy's mod to suit my own personal tastes but I've been running into a few difficulties. I've PMed Ziggy but he hasn't got back to me as of yet. Basically, there are 3 main things I'm trying to change. I've a few files so far that look like they might be responsible but I'm not sure



1.) The map screen. How can I change it back so the map isn't entirely unlocked at the start? I like climbing towers to unlock it.


I've been looking at ...\ui\singleplayer\textures\hud\minimap\tx_emptymap.xbt


I thought originally that maybe there was just a simple texture covering the map in vanilla, so that not having it in Ziggy's would allow you to see the whole map. However deleting this change from the mod doesn't seem to do anything, so it must be something else.


...\ui\singleplayer\hud\mainhud\h_minimap.feu is basically a flash file from what I understand. Is there a chance that this is it? It does seem to be the exact same file size as the original though


What do the pile of textures in ...\worlds\fc3_main\minimaps\1\ do? They look like segments of the whole map. Again, I tried to delete them but I didn't see any change.




2.) The interaction prompts. (e.g. press E to activate). How can I turn these back on?


I think all strings are in ....\languages\english\oasisstrings_compressed.bin




3.) The enemy spawning. I tend to go through games really slowly and carefully so frequent spawning is hell for me. How do I adjust this?


Is the correct file ...\generated\databases\generic\encounterprefablist.lib ?



Would just deleting the appropriate files from the mod and repacking result in the changes I want?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

Hi guys,


I've been trying to change a couple of things about Ziggy's mod to suit my own personal tastes but I've been running into a few difficulties. I've PMed Ziggy but he hasn't got back to me as of yet. Basically, there are 3 main things I'm trying to change. I've a few files so far that look like they might be responsible but I'm not sure



1.) The map screen. How can I change it back so the map isn't entirely unlocked at the start? I like climbing towers to unlock it.



3.) The enemy spawning. I tend to go through games really slowly and carefully so frequent spawning is hell for me. How do I adjust this?


1.) To lock the map from the beginning use a hex editor (like HxD hexeditor, it's free) and edit FC3_d3d11.dll. It's located in the 'bin' folder in FC3 gamefolder. Make a backup first!

row 00243E30 column 02 must be 85

row 0094AD40 column 09 must be 85 and row 0094AD40 column 0A must be C0


3.) To adjust the enemy spawning extract patch.fat. Go to folder 'generated' and extract nomadobjecttemplates.fcb. This will create a new folder 'nomadobjecttemplates_converted'. Go to this folder, edit EncounterService.xml and

look for VehicleEncounters. It can be found 2 times in this file, but we'll need the one in the middle of the file first. Change fEncounterSeparationDistance to 90 and fWildlifeSeparationDistance to 30. Seach for Vehicle Encounters again. This time we'll edit the one at the bottom of the file. Change fBudget to 1.75 (or lower, I've got mine on 0.5); it controls how many vehicles you'll encounter.


Repack the nomadobjecttemplates_converted folder, which will create a new nomadobjecttemplates_converted.fcb file. Rename to nomadobjecttemplates.fcb. Repack patch.fat and copy patch.fat and patch.dat to the \Far Cry 3\data_win32 folder. You're good to go!

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The problem is that I cannot extract Ziggys mod. I get an _UNKNOWN directory which makes repacking the mod impossible. Well I mean possible but the mod wont work correctly.
Anybody has a solution to unpack Ziggys mod? Using dunia2-r179_b115 Gibbed.Dunia2.Unpack.exe

Or do I need to run with some special command lines? I saw there are quite a few options there.

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That shouldn't cause a problem, the files should just stay in the _unknown dir and be repacked. From the readme: "... At the moment we know 69% of file names, other names are unknown, but they can also be edited, but they have to stay in your _UNKNOWN folder".

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The problem is that I cannot extract Ziggys mod. I get an _UNKNOWN directory which makes repacking the mod impossible. Well I mean possible but the mod wont work correctly.

Anybody has a solution to unpack Ziggys mod? Using dunia2-r179_b115 Gibbed.Dunia2.Unpack.exe

Or do I need to run with some special command lines? I saw there are quite a few options there.

Ok I will double check this. As far I remember when I repacked the mod, for example the expanded loot size for the bags were gone. I thought this had something to do with the fact that I unpacked _UNKNOWN files and those changes are lost because they are not in the right place. I will check this again maybe I have made a mistake while packing the mod and is not related to the _UNKNOWN folder and its files.

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  • 4 months later...

i have a question.. i installed ziggys mod and everything is ok. but my problem is that i can still see the enemies through walls when i use the camera and when im using my sniper scope after i use the camera.. does anybody have this solution??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you tried PMing Ziggy? He's been keeping his mod uptodate as of a few weeks ago, and responded to PMs from another forum member and myself. If you can contact him; seems like it would be the most direct and knowledgable source of ino/help.

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Hi guys,


I've been trying to change a couple of things about Ziggy's mod to suit my own personal tastes but I've been running into a few difficulties. I've PMed Ziggy but he hasn't got back to me as of yet. Basically, there are 3 main things I'm trying to change. I've a few files so far that look like they might be responsible but I'm not sure



1.) The map screen. How can I change it back so the map isn't entirely unlocked at the start? I like climbing towers to unlock it.



3.) The enemy spawning. I tend to go through games really slowly and carefully so frequent spawning is hell for me. How do I adjust this?


1.) To lock the map from the beginning use a hex editor (like HxD hexeditor, it's free) and edit FC3_d3d11.dll. It's located in the 'bin' folder in FC3 gamefolder. Make a backup first!

row 00243E30 column 02 must be 85

row 0094AD40 column 09 must be 85 and row 0094AD40 column 0A must be C0


3.) To adjust the enemy spawning extract patch.fat. Go to folder 'generated' and extract nomadobjecttemplates.fcb. This will create a new folder 'nomadobjecttemplates_converted'. Go to this folder, edit EncounterService.xml and

look for VehicleEncounters. It can be found 2 times in this file, but we'll need the one in the middle of the file first. Change fEncounterSeparationDistance to 90 and fWildlifeSeparationDistance to 30. Seach for Vehicle Encounters again. This time we'll edit the one at the bottom of the file. Change fBudget to 1.75 (or lower, I've got mine on 0.5); it controls how many vehicles you'll encounter.


Repack the nomadobjecttemplates_converted folder, which will create a new nomadobjecttemplates_converted.fcb file. Rename to nomadobjecttemplates.fcb. Repack patch.fat and copy patch.fat and patch.dat to the \Far Cry 3\data_win32 folder. You're good to go!


Just the info (almost) I've been looking for! I've been toying with the idea of stepping up enemy presence and vheicle encounters in my game. So I've been looking through froum threads/posts, etc. I'd already found reference to increasing enemy presence/spawn rates through the encounterservice.xml; looked that file over and found the command line parameters you refer to, and made some guesses as to what game elements the various command lines addressed.


What do the AmbientEncounters, LiteEncounters, and StagedEncounters mean and refer to in game?




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