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Number Favorites and bind to keys 1-12?


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Hi, I am a new player to this game and I certainly do not know anything about modding, and maybe there is already a mod that does this but after lots of searches I cannot locate one.


Continually stopping combat and scrolling through long lists of items and spells that are all mixed together is... well, it's just annoying to me. Maybe I am doing it wrong.


I am interested in having the inventory items or spells become numbered in my favorites list and then have it allow me to use each numbered item directly from the keyboard and on the fly, similar to the traditional MMO layout. The mod would allow you to hold down whatever keybound key you have to assign a 'favorite' and then press a number 1 through 12 (1 to 9 plus the 0, -, +) in order to assign that favorite to that key number.


I'm sure that there is already a mod out there that does this but I cannot find it. Can anybody help me?

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