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Best Clothing and model mods of love interests(UNP?)


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For armor and clothing, I'd recommoned... UNP Clothing Merchants It combines several UNP armor/clothing mods into one with a singular crafting/purchase location so as to not clutter up the stock crafting stations.


For UNP matching face mod, I'd recommend... All In One Face Once installed correctly there should be no noticeable seam when not wearing armor/clothing. When wearing armor/clothing there could be a slight bit of seam if you know where to look. The cause is due to how the armor/clothing was created and not with any actual textures. Of course this statement is in regards to the standard UNP texture. Other variations of texture for the UNP body can yield different results.

So far so good, your face pack helped :) Now there is no face seam I used the UNP Texture Blender in the wrong way, apparently I had to load the file myself, not just select it.


One last thing. The faces are kinda bronze where the bodies are more pinkish, is there a way to change the color of the faces?

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