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Devil May Cry 5

Request - God hand Mod


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There is an old capcom beat em up game on the PS2 called Godhand , its one of my favourite games of all time , and i'm sure alot of capcom fans love it , It's a very Unique game with its Close quarter combat perspective which makes the gameplay alot more immersive and feel powerful up close , My request is a Mod that makes the camera in Dmc5 similar to Godhand (I know when you are not in combat the camera is close to the player) , and with narrow enemy groups to make it fair.


it's also best if the controls are changed to be similar to godhand.


also Barlog seems to be the best option to be replaced with the Godhand model , would be cool if similar visual effects of godhand are added to the mod as well .


and not to forget the OST aswell.


and its up for the Wholesome modder that decides to take on this glorious request to decide what to add more to the mod.


This would be a GAME changer if this mod happens.


thank you.....

Edited by Erikor911
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