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is this legal


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Yes, it's all legal. The mods are all based off the main Oblivion.esm which can only be obtained by installing the game. It is, however, illegal to upload official content (DLC's, bsa's etc).
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Just like Azir said, also note that it was Bethesda that released the TES CS, so the community could create the mods.


Basically you are free you upload anything you've created yourself, but nothing that was made by bethesda, or in case of meshes/textures, nothing that has bethesda made base. Also note that ripping items/objects from another game is also illegal.

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well depends on your country of course... i think in greece playing computer games in genral is illegal for example or adding a nuke to megton for the japanese version would be also... or shooting brahmins if youre indian... or going to bed with one of the whores in most us states... dont let mommy see!


but why would you ask that anyway if youre not a bloody incompetent cop?

and even ask the guys you think are doing somin illegal... do you think anyone would admit?


but no 99% of the stuff here is legal xcept for maybe the hidden nude pics of megan fox in my commonwealth of modders mod... :P ya go download it now before its gone!!!

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