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[LE] Helmet works as armor replacer, when added as standalone it's invisible


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Very new to all of this. I retextured a different armor mod and used it as a replacer for ebony armor and it worked perfectly. Now I'm trying to make it it's own armor and everything works but the helmet. It appears perfectly in nifskope as well as creation kit but when equipped it just makes my character's head invisible, could anyone help me figure this out or point me to a relevant tutorial? I should mention every other piece of the armor works.


Update: fixed by selecting "head" as the biped as well as hair in the armor addon thanks Hanaisse

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I can never remember these, from one to the next. What usually works for me is to open up a vanilla helmet with the same type of coverage, and match the body part data in both the helmet form and the armor addon(s) as well. I think "head" would be your guard helmets, steel plate helmet, and others that cover the entirety of the head.

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