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Insect Remover (Begone update please!)


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Hello, for Special edition Insects begone hasn't had an update in 4 years, and has overall run into some issues. For a lot of uses it causes CTD or fails to work at points. Another user has tried there hand at making a successor (Bug Repellent: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35252 ) but they admitted themselves they are not a fantastic modder, as such it still has the spider load screen tip which will scare the crap out of anyone and doesn't come with a plan B of turning the mob into a static fox mesh. The replacing of the spider sacs would also be appreciated. Also I've only mentioned spiders because I have no charus problems but I'm aware some users would also liked those edited as well. Could anyone PLEASE make an insects begone 2.0? More stability and catches more spiders (Wouldnt say no to them also creating patches for mods that add in spiders). The community would be in your debt and I personally would be willing to pay a couple dollars to commission it if necessary.

Edited by bmy
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