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Merging Patches


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What it says on tin. I'm hitting the 255 mod limit on Skyrim Legendary Edition and I need more "space" so to speak. I know how to merge esps (using Merge Plug-ins), but not the extras like scripts, bsa etc.


From what I notice, most patches consist of esps only so they don't look difficult to merge and I did managed to merge esp-only mods with some success. However I'm wary when it comes to esps patches. Will merging not break or disrupt the primary mod they are patching? Here's a list of the patches:



Tools of Kagrenac = Aetherium Armor and Weapons and Immersive College of Winterhold

NARC (No Animals Report Crimes) = Convenient Horses, Skyrim Immersive Creatures, Deadly Dragons Consistency Patches

Aetherium Armor And Swords Compilation - Tone Down Version

Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch

Armor and Clothing for RSChildren - Playable Override and All DLC Patches

Battle Claws - Sword Impact Sound

Fulcimentum - Apocalypse Patch

Prince and The Pauper - RS Children Complete

Thunderchild - Dragon Language Words Patch

Adopt Aventus Patch - RSChildren USLEEP

Amazing Follower Tweaks - No Friendly Spell Damage

Travellers of Skyrim - Dragonborn and Bags and Pouches Addon

Cake O'Clock Bakery 1b - Honey Patch

Dawn of Skyrim Collection - Upgrade to 1.3

Moon and Star - Aurora Village Compatibility Patch

Quaint Raven Rock - Raven Nest Patch

The Falkreath Hauntings - Moon and Star Patch

The Notice Board Updated Patch



I can free up 21 load slots when merging them all, then get back some of the less essential mods that I was forced to remove.


I just want some assurances that they will still work or at least know which patches can't or shouldn't be merged. I merged some mods with esps only and some of them don't work anymore like Extract Ore Spell (not extracting ore despite casting) and Morrowind Imports (Items don't appear when using Add Item Menu.



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