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Civil War Epilogue Questlines


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Choosing either side has its flaws.


A) Join the Stormcloaks and have the freedom of Talos worship, with the cost of discriminating/racist nords and a terrible king.

B) Join the Imperials and stop the tyrant, bring (temporary) peace to Skyrim, keep a good queen --- but lose their freedom to the Thalmor. In other words, it's all up to the Emporer would should happen next, and another war with the Thalmor seems likely in every option he takes.


So there could be a mod(s) that make a questline for each epilogue? Here is how each would break down:

These questlines would either provide happy endings, or open up to more drastic stories in the future.



The Dragonborn will get involved with a few things with the argonians and maybe the khajiit. They can't take a ruler who doesn't treat them fairly. A second rebellion would not be a great idea, but there are other options. The argonians at the docks at Windhelm will ask the dragonborn for aid. They would like to settle somewhere else. What they mean is to build a new town, just for them. They will live in a secluded place, with a tavern and maybe some water nearby. The dragonborn will be sent to look for some people to help sustain the community (like hunters), particularly people who also feel offended by the nords.


The story brings the player to build a diverse community living in a calm place. Khajiit caravans will still continue their rides throughout Skyrim, but now they have a place to call home. Some NPCs will actually ask the dragonborn for help to leave Skyrim altogether, and go back to their homelands. For example, a group of argonians would like to take a carriage back to Black Marsh, funded by the dragonborn. It may be bad for business, but at least it is a good deed on both yours and Ulfric's side. By the way, he isn't supposed to know about the secret settlement.



I am thinking of a secret conspiracy that someone wants the famous dragonborn to get in on. The Imperial legion is pressured a few times into joining in, and the story goes from there. I am unsure if this is to once again try to make Skyrim an indedpendent nation (this time with at least 90% of the province supporting, as no enemies are being sought out, besides the Thalmor), or a conspiracy to assassinate the Thalmor in Skyrim effectively, as a Second Great War becomes imminent, we must be the first to strike - otherwise suffer the consequences of not being prepared... and maybe stock up on forces. It all roots from Talos worship, I guess. It is also to prepare for the war. The questline would end before the war begins, but oh well. It would be fun, anyway.

Edited by CptGolem
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