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waiting goes by quicker


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im aware that on the xbox, there is a way to make the waiting go by much quicker, but to my knowlage there is no way to make the "one hour per second" waiting to go by any quicker, im just looking for something to make it go by quicker to spend less time in a boring menu.


if there is already a mod out that does this, i couldnt find it, but if there is, i would like a link,

also, if this can be changed in the config files or anything like that, id like a fairly easy to understand tutorial of how to edit that, caus i dont know how.


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also as an update, ive already checked on both the skyrim nexus and the steam workshop, and im supprised tthat nobody is even considdering making this,

not sure if this is because its impossible, or there is such an easy fix for it, that there is not a turorial anywhere, so yea.

Edited by rotwhip3
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