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Weapon Enchantment special effects on Power Attacks


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I don't know if something like this exists already, but if not, I might as well suggest it.


Weapon enchantments in Elder Scrolls have always been about "hit the target, deal an effect", with the same strength regardless of whether you land a powerful blow or a quick one. IMO, that slants a tad too much toward rapid hit spams.


What I think could be interesting is if someone were to code up weapon enchantments that do a normal effect on a normal attack, but deliver a more powerful effect if you use a power attack. Obviously, this would only be for melee weapons, as there's no real concept of a power attack with bows/crossbows.


Here's an example: Say you've got a battleaxe with a "chargeable" fire damage enchantment. If you strike normally, you deal fire damage to the target. If you do a power attack, however, you cause a localized fire blast that deals the damage in a blast radius.


Of course, that's a really basic example. I bet people could come up with some interesting ideas for other weapon enchants that follow this philosophy.


So, anyone think they might try making this?

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