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Mod Question about Balanced Magic


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The other day, I downloaded the True Bound Daedric Armors mod and found a bug where you couldn't use the TBDA's bound shield and bound armor of any kind and summon a vanilla bound weapon. I found Balancd Magic to be the culprit, and went into it with TE3Edit, and ripped out the entries on the spell tab for bound sword, bound bow, and bound battle axe. This seemed to fix the problem.


Now, I've already had to restart my game once because of my problems with the save regarding my obsessive tinkering and modding of Skyrim, installing and then uninstalling willy-nilly if I didn't like it. Now, I know Skyrim doesn't much appreciate that AT ALL, so my question is, with balanced magic, am I going to have problems for removing those spells entires? I already have a new mod affecting bound weapons (Bound Weapon Redux), and, to clarify, I haven't had any problems yet since performing this home-made fix. I'm just concerned that I might eventually have problems.


So, how about it, internet community? Did I f*#@ up?

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Is there a reason you didn't just place TBDA's plugin below Balanced Magic's plugin in your load order? :blink:


I highly doubt you'll see any side effects due to the alterations you made as most uninstallation problems come from either scripts or orphaned records (and since Balanced Magic overrides existing records in most instances, there shouldn't be any orphaned records in your save).

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believe it or not, trying to load Balanced Magic before TBDA was one of the first things I tried. Was really sure it was going to work too...


At any rate, thanks for replying and letting my OCD take a break. Now if I could figure out how to fix my frame rate drop in interior settings like Candlehearth Hall and Dragonsreach, I'll be golden.

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