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Glass inverts colour

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Hello all.


I've stumbled upon a weird issue, the glass in a mesh I modified inverts colours. The custom mesh is basically HitWindowGlass01.nif with repositioned vertexes, so that it can nicely fit in any of the "WallPlugC"-s. I can't find any differences between the original and the modified mesh that would cause this issue. The problematic mesh can be found here. Here are some images picturing the problem in the creation kit.


This one has the bright lighting enabled:


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And this one has the bright lighting disabled:


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Another thing I've noticed, is that the glass of the modified mesh isn't transparent in nifskope, unlike the original.


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thats really weird.. Something I notice while looking, the HitWindowGlass01fogged.nif has all the exact same properties as the clear glass one and uses same material... yet it is not transparent. All other nodes in the mesh look the same too. That's mysterious.

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I think part of the transparency here is done with mesh vertex colors (see the use of effectShader flags)

Assuming you have converted the nif to obj/fbx, imported to one or more 3d editing applications, modified/scaled the mesh and exported it again etc.


I _think MAX w/official plugin preserves the vertex colors properly. From import to export.


Also, try use .fbx (instead of obj) as the transport format if you haven't already.

Vertex color is usually better supported and implemented in that format.

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It's fixed!
Disregard my previous message, NifSkope does indeed tell the whole story. The transparency is set per vertex in the drop-down vertex menu under the BSTriShape node. The alpha channel of each vertex's vertex color was set to 1 instead of a fraction. This controls the transparency.
Thanks to everyone for pointing me in the right direction!

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