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New Spell - Ultima


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I don't know about you guys, but there aren't a whole lot of Final Fantasy Mods in this game and as everyone knows, if you played Final Fantasy one of the more Powerful spells is Ultima. I'd like to see if anyone could make a mod for this. There are different versions from each different game, but I think a good start would be the one from Final Fantasy 13. It's a nice consideration. If anyone could pull the one from Final Fantasy 8, you would be god.

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It would be nice if Skyrim did have final fantasy spells I'd love to see them, their animations are awesome. :O

Difference is.. their overpowered in the FF realms... BUT.. we could just nerf them to the rules of FF1.

spells like Fire1 aka Tier 1 spells will do at least up to 50 dmg, while tier 2's will do up to 150, while tier 3 does up to 300 dmg.

Flare and Ultima will do at least around 500 - 700 dmg. That there could be a useful way to balance the dmg scale,

the Magica requirements for the higher spells will be pretty high though...


As for animation for Ultima, I prefer the All Ultima animation from Final Fantasy Tactics, best animation work ever...



I do believe that making such work would be challenging thats for sure, I even ask myself how that would be pulled off. :O

Edited by Cryous7
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