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Far Cry

Removing the "you are here" icon from the world map


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I sort of already posted this in the Mod Talk forum but didn't get any replies. I'm not reposting this to be pushy... I'm doing it because this forum seems to get more activity and I should've posted it here to begin with.


So yeah, what I want is a mod that turns off the GPS thing on the world map that shows you where Jason is at all times in the game. My friend thinks I'm retarded for wanting to play the game like this, but I'm trying to prove to him (and myself) that I can use just land nav skills and smarts to find my way around. Besides I like having the ability to get totally lost in my sandbox games. It makes em feel big and scary.


You know how on the map legend screen it lets you toggle on/off most of the map icons, but not the Jason Brody icon (and a couple others that I can't remember) for some dickish reason? I'm thinking that if I just made some tweaks in the hex editor it would solve this issue, but I have trouble deciphering all those crazyass letters and symbols. If none of you fine people can be bothered to make such a mod for me, then I would greatly appreciate any tips and advice that would enable me to do it myself.



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  • 5 months later...

Cool idea. But first I am searching instructions how to add to my mod tweak that will disable all that weirdly showing up icons of boxes/containers artifacts etc. that I didnt see clearly by myself. It ruins the point of buying maps. This game is so silly that reveals containers that are underground when player walks above caves. There is mod by ziggy that I think disables it from map but I already use other mod that I tweaked and I want to finish game on it then on third try use ziggy mod. As for now I would like to disable that discovering of crates by player because it is very bad and ruins fun of discovering stuff.

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